When to Keep Kids Home from School & When they Might be Sent Home

If a student (either day or residential) becomes ill and is potentially contagious or needing home care, parents/guardians will be expected to pick their ill child up at school and take them home.  This will both allow the student to recover from a possibly multi-day illness and will stop the spread of the illness to others.

Staff and nurses try to keep in mind the hardship of taking time off work and stress that traveling to WSD can have on families. Maintaining good communication with parents/guardians helps the nurses to provide your family better individual care and mitigate some of the hardship and stress.

The following is a list of common ailments your child may have.  These guidelines are designed to assist in your decision-making process as to whether or not to send your child to school.  Your doctor will assist you to determine if your child needs to be seen for an office visit.  The goal of these guidelines is to reduce the spread of communicable disease at school and to promote a healthy environment for students attending school.

  • Fever: If your child has a temperature over 100.0 F, then they should remain at home.  When accompanied by sore throat, nausea, or rash, a contagious illness is suspected, they should remain at home until fever free for 24 hours without medication.
  • Vomiting & Diarrhea: A single episode of vomiting or diarrhea, without a fever may not be reason enough to miss school.  However, children with water diarrhea should remain at home for 24 hours after last symptom.  If accompanied by a fever, consult your doctor.
  • Runny Nose & Coughing: Minor symptoms should not be a reason to stay home.  If the cough is disruptive, the child should be kept at home.
  • Sore Throat with Fever: Consult your doctor if your child suddenly has a severe sore throat with fever.  If strep is diagnosed, the child may return after being on antibiotics for 24-48 hours.
  • Pink Eye: Mildly red and watery eyes may indicate irritation or allergy.  If markedly red and accompanied by thick, yellow or green drainage, the child may have conjunctivitis.  Virus, bacteria or allergies may cause conjunctivitis.  Bacterial conjunctivitis must be diagnosed by your doctor, and is highly contagious.  Your child must remain at home until the symptoms are gone.
  • Rashes: Rashes can be caused by many things, and are not always contagious.  If a rash is accompanied by other symptoms or fever, your doctor should evaluate it.
  • Head Lice: Students must be treated with a special preparation for killing head lice (available over the counter) and progress made on removing all of the nits.  Follow the instructions on the container carefully, or the instructions of your health care provider.  Contact the school nurse before your child re-enters school.
  • Open Sores: If your child has a blister or open sore on the skin, it needs to be covered during school hours.  If the sore persists, it may be contagious and needs to be evaluated by your doctor.

Please feel free to contact the Student Health Center for any concerns.