At WSD, School Counseling Services are provided to all students as a part of the comprehensive school counseling program.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the WSD counseling program is to advocate for the healthy development of each student’s interpersonal/intrapersonal, academic and career needs through the comprehensive and collaborative program so that students develop the resiliency capital to be successful bilingual Deaf adults. The WSD Counseling program takes a child-centered, preventative and developmental approach to teach specific skills that support students to be the best learners they can be. Aligned with B.E.S.T., the professional school counseling services will contribute to students’ knowledge and skills enabling students to become successful and responsible members of society.
Bilingual Empowered Successful for Today and Tomorrow
WSD School Counseling Program:
- Analyze academic and behavioral data to identify struggling students
- Identify and collaborate on research-based intervention strategies that are implemented by school staff
- Evaluate academic and behavioral progress after interventions
- Revise interventions as appropriate
- Refer to school and community services as appropriate
- Collaborate with administrators about RTI design and implementation
- Advocating for equitable education for all students and working to remove systemic barriers
Wendy Schlitz
School Counselor for Preschool-6th Grade
VP: 360-334-5777
Amy Blades
School Counselor for 7th Grade-12th Grade
VP: 360-553-4628